Monday, 26 March 2012

Home, Sweet Home: The Land of Internet

I am back in Manchester now which I am very happy about as I spent the last week of term in Lancaster with no internet, which is why I have not blogged in a week. The few hours of internet I had while in uni were spent catching up on mail online and online shopping. I still read my favourite blogs however I forgot to bring my memory card with my pictures on so I didn't have anything to post about. I was really good this week with my outfit pictures however towards the end of the week I did give up as I knew I wouldn't have internet till I got back home. 

I didn't realise how much I rely on the internet till I had a week without it. The first two days I was fine however after that it began to get a little annoying. I use the internet for my uni work so I had to take my laptop into uni and get all the documents I needed for coursework and save them to my desktop. Even when I had all my work I still found I rely on the internet a lot for checking definitions and references. I sounds really bad but I really missed being able to get online instantly, I am defiantly the child of the online generation. 

Since I took some outfit posts I thought I would share these two with you. I took some of my everyday outfits but they were causal outfits which I have worn before and I am sure I will show you again some time.  

 Dress: h&m
Belt: New Look
Jacket: Miss Selfidge 

Dress: french connection 

I wore this when I went out on wednesday night. I got this dress two years ago for my sixth form leaving do and it is one of my favourites. I love the print on it and the colours, as soon as I saw the dress I knew I had to have it. It is also really flattering on my curves so I always feel really nice when I wear this.

I am going shopping tomorrow with my best friend from home so I am looking forward to sharing my haul with you. I have a few things that I am looking out for so hopefully I will come home tomorrow with lots of heavy bags and a very light purse.

Becki x


  1. Both these dresses are amazing! Especially the second one love all the different colours together!

  2. Love the second dress! French connection always have some amazing stuff! Also the jacket is so bad ass! lol I found your blog thanks to my friends blog - Fashion thrill! I really like your girly yet edgy style! :)


    1. Thank-you :) I haven't took the jacket off since I bought it, it is my baby.

      I am glad you found me, I am now following your blog - you take lovely photo's, I wish I could take better pictures x

  3. so pretty dresses :) wish you a lot of fun!
    I'm also "addicted" to the internet :'D it's horrible without it xD
    in btw i have to say that your blog is great and i started to follow you, dear!
    maybe you'll have a look on my blog too :))


    1. It is so bad, I can't believe how reliant I am on it when I am at uni.
      I have started following your blog now, your outfit posts and photos are amazing, they look so beautiful


  4. Gorgeous dresses! I love the second one, such pretty colours and I love the pattern!
    Please check out my blog and follow back :)
